Description: A multi-day, immersive, augmented reality game played by participants during South by Southwest (SxSW) 2018, conceived of and sponsored by Meow Wolf. Players first attended an orientation at “The Consulate” where they were issued a passport and instructed to visit sites to collect stamps; the first player to get all 10 stamps won the grand prize. Characters hiding throughout Austin held the stamps and passport holders received cryptic text messages that gave them clues to hunt down these stamp-bearers. The finale, held at the HOPE Outdoor Gallery, required the participants to decide a winner by consensus.
Role: Production design, production assistance, narrative development, and performance. Created integration and narrative overlap between Meow Wolf Outside and Open Mind Simulife experience.
Special Credits: Twin Alchemy Collective, Wooden Nickel Carnival & Travis County Community Radio
Photo Credit: Kate Russell & Lindsey Kennedy